Julia Gillard did not lie about Carbon Tax.

When Tony Abbott quotes Julia Gillard as saying “There will be no carbon tax under the Government I lead” he is using a partial quote. Gillard continued that she would be introducing a price on carbon leading to a market based carbon trading scheme. I saw the speech and Julia Gillard definitely said there would be a carbon pricing scheme.

I have been looking for the speech to find the exact wording. It is buried somewhere under reams of Abbott’s ‘Juliar’ rubbish. Can anyone help me with this one?

I did find several pieces where Julia Gillard’s position was made clear such as ;

JULIA Gillard says she is prepared to legislate a carbon price in the next term as part of a bold series of reforms that include school funding, education and health.

In an election-eve interview with The Australian, the Prime Minister revealed she would view victory tomorrow as a mandate for a carbon price, provided the community was ready for this step.

“I don’t rule out the possibility of legislating a Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, a market-based mechanism,” she said of the next parliament. “I rule out a carbon tax.”

This is the strongest message Ms Gillard has sent about action on carbon pricing.

The Australian, August 20, 2010

Note that the date is the day before the Federal election. Julia Gillard repeated many times before the election that there would be carbon pricing. The mistake of labour was to allow Abbott to redefine ‘Carbon Pricing’ as ‘Carbon Tax’

Abbott did what Abbott does. He took a truth, redefined the context and claimed the truth to be a lie. He renamed ‘carbon price’ a ‘carbon tax’ and then conduct the vilest of attacks on a Prime Minister Australia has ever seen.

Basically every attack on the government by Abbott has been a lie, but somehow he has managed to create the fiction that Julia Gillard is a liar.

The problem is that our Australian press only reports what is said. ‘Today Tony Abbott said ….’ Where are the journalist who are prepared to do some basic research and write ‘Today Tony Abbott said …. But what Julia Gillard really said was ……’

Just reporting what a person said is not journalism. Real journalism is looking at what was said, doing background checks and where someone is lying or misrepresenting they should say so.

There is no use saying the news moves too fast. Journalist can slow the news cycle by coming back to an issue. If they wanted to they could say ‘Yesterday Abbott said… But on checking what was really said was…’ If that happened yesterday’s news becomes today’s news.

Tony Abbott uses several techniques to tell lies. One is to tell a lie and move on to something else before what he said can be checked.

There are two issues from 2012 that must not be aloud to die. The first is Abbott’s lies about the carbon tax. The second is what really happened with the Ashby attack. There is a third. Anything that Abbott says must be checked and where he is lying it must be fed straight back to him.

But while Australian Media remains dominated by Rupert Murdoch the only hope of truth in politics is the blogging community.

Not every Blogger is a trained journalist but until mainstream journalism lifts its game bloggers are the best hope we have.

7 thoughts on “Julia Gillard did not lie about Carbon Tax.

  1. Pingback: Julia did not lie LINKS | rodfairgo

  2. Pingback: Federal Election 14/09/2013 - Page 48 - 4x4 Earth

  3. Josef says:

    “When Tony Abbott quotes Julia Gillard as saying “There will be no carbon tax under the Government I lead” he is using a partial quote. Gillard continued that she would be introducing a price on carbon leading to a market based carbon trading scheme. I saw the speech and Julia Gillard definitely said there would be a carbon pricing scheme.”

    Sorry Josef, but your claims are incorrect.

    In that interview, Gillard did not “continue… that she would be introducing a price on carbon leading to a market based carbon trading scheme.”

    In fact, she never even mentions a “carbon pricing scheme” or a “carbon price” or a “price on carbon”, or whatever spin people want to put on it.

    This is her full statement:

    There will be no Carbon Tax under the government I lead. What we will do is we will tackle the challenge of climate-change. We’ve invested record amounts in solar and renewable technologies. Now I want to build the transmission lines that will bring that clean, green energy into the national electricity grid.

    I also want to make sure we have no more dirty coal-fired power stations. I want to make sure we’re driving greener cars and working from greener buildings.

    I will be delivering those things, and leading our national debate to reach a consensus about putting a cap on carbon pollution.

    And this is the original unedited footage of the full interview on Channel Ten:

    Also note, at the 2010 election, Gillard was actually promising a “People’s Assembly” to build consensus and she also promised nothing would come into effect until after the 2013 election. So amusingly, she ended up breaking multiple promises, even though the public focuses on the high-profile “soundbite” one.

    I think the Australian people are well within their rights to regard her as untrustworthy.

    • I agree Josef is wrong because there is a carbon tax. I do not believe Julia lied because she is talking about the scenario of her winning the election and she did not win the election. The people of Australia mandated for a minority government or a new election. The greens won the seat of Melbourne from labor giving them legitimate leverage. There was no lie and Mr Abbot has proved himself the master of political deciept.

  4. You should update the heading of this post to make it more clear that Julia Gillard DID lie about carbon tax. The proof is in the comment above.

  5. Yosef, you are dead right, the original quote went on to say “but lets be absolutely clear, I am determined to price carbon”. the problem is that the original quote has mysteriously disappeared, and if you watch the video supplied, you will see that they refer to an earlier quote, which no one can now find.

    The first quote that I saw was the original, and I wish now that I had recorded it, but didn’t know the significance at the time.

    I wrote about it in my post “Abbott and the truth about lies”, and have been looking for the original along with many others for months, but it has been removed.

    T Abbott and the truth about lies!

    Keep up the fight

    Cheers 😀

  6. The Video “There will be no Carbon Tax under a Government I lead” — is cut off right at the end of the word. It is obvious there is more said. A speech is not stopped so abruptly, especially from a good speaker like Gillard. Where is the rest of the speech? It is obvious the video has been shortened and I will continue to look for the original, and you never know your luck. Good luck to those others who remember the speech, in their quest for the truth.

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